A System to Detect Forged-Origin BGP Hijacks

We report new AS links in near real time (with a five-minutes delay) and observed within the last 24 hours.
We highlight the suspicious cases in red. You can click on a row in the table to see more details about a particular case.
For the live version, we only run DFOH with a confidence level of one and only use RIPE RIS data.

You can use the form below to apply filters on the listed cases.

We found 171 new AS links during the last 24 hours among which 36 are suspicious.

Date AS link # of AS paths DFOH inference
05/15/2024, 17:04:53 268011 269194 5 legitimate
05/15/2024, 16:40:26 23106 269193 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 16:31:24 199961 207744 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 16:28:39 262364 263444 9 legitimate
05/15/2024, 16:21:18 64126 273220 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 16:18:17 20258 207044 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 16:13:40 7029 11633 5 legitimate
05/15/2024, 16:10:23 20485 20576 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 16:10:23 32595 48231 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:54:27 6461 30497 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:34:40 2488 8412 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:31:13 38074 152184 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:30:51 30619 36994 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:22:20 59944 207910 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:18:59 13194 212795 70 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:16:37 22191 30171 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:09:23 26218 53237 14 legitimate
05/15/2024, 15:09:10 13194 198030 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:52:00 37722 328699 4 suspicious
05/15/2024, 14:45:47 52817 266156 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:41:49 3491 56077 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:41:28 9002 34304 1 suspicious
05/15/2024, 14:23:24 141181 150783 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:22:27 209533 215923 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:21:20 34927 53636 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:20:14 7 273309 35 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:18:27 14114 35039 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:16:18 7 263397 20 legitimate
05/15/2024, 14:16:18 7 269567 45 suspicious
05/15/2024, 13:59:12 207083 214999 1 suspicious
05/15/2024, 13:58:26 14868 271206 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 13:57:06 48011 58232 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 13:52:55 8395 34123 8 legitimate
05/15/2024, 13:48:52 3356 269589 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 13:26:30 270548 396998 10 suspicious
05/15/2024, 13:23:19 58453 329411 28 legitimate
05/15/2024, 13:08:28 13977 14051 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 13:07:10 3356 23055 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 13:02:07 28499 28564 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 13:02:07 22548 28564 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 12:55:42 34170 139341 4 suspicious
05/15/2024, 12:55:20 269194 270756 10 legitimate
05/15/2024, 12:46:04 9144 204732 2 suspicious
05/15/2024, 12:43:05 5580 56077 3 suspicious
05/15/2024, 12:36:36 267218 271324 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 12:36:04 196854 215814 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 12:18:40 43994 215094 8 legitimate
05/15/2024, 12:14:07 3257 19460 8 suspicious
05/15/2024, 12:02:00 200443 208972 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 11:59:29 209533 215288 1 suspicious
05/15/2024, 11:54:00 34702 41745 3 suspicious
05/15/2024, 11:49:28 262847 267216 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 11:42:13 7713 138842 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 11:38:18 209533 214930 1 suspicious
05/15/2024, 11:34:55 33765 327708 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 11:20:36 35140 210756 16 legitimate
05/15/2024, 11:18:09 58057 213105 3 suspicious
05/15/2024, 10:55:53 29535 211148 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 10:32:34 29075 215149 6 legitimate
05/15/2024, 10:29:40 6079 398427 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 10:09:13 8764 44066 5 legitimate
05/15/2024, 09:57:08 209533 214909 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 09:55:57 32860 327708 2 suspicious
05/15/2024, 09:33:39 21574 267191 8 suspicious
05/15/2024, 09:19:24 56630 216462 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 09:12:16 2854 214951 11 legitimate
05/15/2024, 09:12:34 265390 269376 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 09:02:08 4809 140330 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 08:57:19 55836 59179 6 legitimate
05/15/2024, 08:50:11 37697 328628 2 suspicious
05/15/2024, 08:48:25 31133 56634 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 08:42:09 200370 204650 5 legitimate
05/15/2024, 08:28:53 8764 8767 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 08:24:49 269567 273309 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 08:11:46 8764 19551 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 08:10:58 137310 139401 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 08:02:17 31529 270776 12 suspicious
05/15/2024, 07:57:53 13194 42516 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:42:25 12618 13194 19 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:42:25 13194 44454 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:42:25 13194 197480 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:42:25 13194 34409 13 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:42:25 13194 30778 5 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:38:27 17451 152088 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:33:49 24534 150917 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:10:09 38949 204384 3 suspicious
05/15/2024, 07:08:53 28146 271753 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:03:30 1916 265386 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 07:02:21 28368 268087 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 06:53:12 28329 263641 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 06:22:04 17408 38047 3 suspicious
05/15/2024, 06:19:30 63969 134732 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 06:07:29 3356 13807 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 06:03:36 38082 55554 7 legitimate
05/15/2024, 06:03:36 55554 139719 7 legitimate
05/15/2024, 05:43:17 8932 57206 2 suspicious
05/15/2024, 05:38:52 9885 24186 107 legitimate
05/15/2024, 05:32:22 15276 393885 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 05:29:06 6949 7922 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 05:01:06 20473 214921 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 04:59:34 3356 36511 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 04:36:00 53019 61589 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 04:27:08 46031 150991 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 04:21:29 268342 268938 11 suspicious
05/15/2024, 04:02:12 13194 34312 2 legitimate
05/15/2024, 04:00:03 34312 60812 12 legitimate
05/15/2024, 03:28:30 17639 147174 10 suspicious
05/15/2024, 02:54:48 20473 202693 2 suspicious
05/15/2024, 02:30:12 13194 51331 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 02:30:12 13194 51744 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 02:30:12 13194 44430 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 02:30:12 13194 198346 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 02:29:43 13194 206548 4 legitimate
05/15/2024, 01:38:36 833 400810 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 01:37:51 266169 267345 3 legitimate
05/15/2024, 01:25:38 262663 265336 1 suspicious
05/15/2024, 01:13:22 205547 214990 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 00:55:15 6939 206407 1 legitimate
05/15/2024, 00:04:45 201434 203356 1 suspicious
05/14/2024, 23:58:20 2914 397379 2 legitimate
05/14/2024, 23:25:57 3356 3847 4 legitimate
05/14/2024, 23:15:36 13194 198945 2 legitimate
05/14/2024, 22:25:30 21738 49626 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 22:19:04 3356 199661 2 suspicious
05/14/2024, 22:15:44 61832 270377 17 legitimate
05/14/2024, 22:06:08 23520 273189 2 legitimate
05/14/2024, 21:57:21 52863 267009 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 21:48:37 16735 266435 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 21:18:38 13979 18676 2 legitimate
05/14/2024, 21:05:47 209533 212121 4 legitimate
05/14/2024, 21:03:55 13194 35805 7 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:53:06 28370 270962 5 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:49:59 267478 268925 77 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:40:51 6939 272174 2 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:37:13 264498 269376 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:34:03 13194 29226 12 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:26:34 22356 267229 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:17:57 28439 265620 6 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:15:13 327814 328958 5 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:14:22 3280 26042 6 suspicious
05/14/2024, 20:07:30 8449 57724 8 legitimate
05/14/2024, 20:04:53 8764 202486 17 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:49:20 262909 269096 16 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:46:04 135817 138277 16 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:46:04 13335 135817 8 suspicious
05/14/2024, 19:46:04 134341 135817 31 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:46:04 59191 135817 14 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:46:04 56056 135817 6 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:46:04 132453 135817 21 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:36:51 52833 264409 18 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:34:52 20332 21508 2 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:30:17 1299 399768 4 suspicious
05/14/2024, 19:30:03 16637 37294 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:19:53 6939 40772 24 legitimate
05/14/2024, 19:12:14 265144 272180 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 18:57:28 3356 19189 4 legitimate
05/14/2024, 18:52:51 32595 216123 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 18:38:04 1299 215661 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 18:36:08 11664 28075 1 legitimate
05/14/2024, 18:12:35 42 9198 3 suspicious
05/14/2024, 18:12:32 9198 47237 67 suspicious
05/14/2024, 18:06:02 138997 202662 18 legitimate
05/14/2024, 18:04:24 812 14366 4 legitimate
05/14/2024, 17:54:31 51396 215039 2 legitimate
05/14/2024, 17:47:22 6461 63396 4 suspicious
05/14/2024, 17:39:25 271253 272790 7 suspicious
05/14/2024, 17:31:31 262872 271491 3 legitimate
05/14/2024, 17:27:24 14840 271197 4 suspicious
05/14/2024, 17:26:50 6204 60982 3 suspicious
05/14/2024, 17:25:59 262485 263676 9 legitimate
05/14/2024, 17:24:56 62467 400518 7 suspicious